Design and performance of electrical installations

Performance and professional supervision of works on:


Design of electrical installations of high, medium and low voltage, telecommunication and lightning protection installations, professional supervision and technical inspection, review of project documentation, supervision of performance, etc.


"Elektroinženjering" also design and perform installations of lightning rods of "light type" for house and small buildings protection - SRPS N.B4.811:
- height 300cm, ring diameter Ø100
- Type GLT 300 zinced + plastification

Protection zone of lightning rod GLT 300:

Protection zones for levels III and IV of protection
building height
level IV of protection level III of protection
R (m) Ro (m) R (m) Ro (m)
5 9,70 16,90 6,80 11,80
6 10,60 19,20 7,40 13,40
8 12,30 23,70 8,60 16,60
10 14,00 28,30 9,80 19,80
12 13,50 28,30 9,90 20,70
15 13,70 29,30 9,70 21,10
18 13,10 28,30 9,50 21,20
Protection zones